直径:3cm 重:12.57G Diameter: 3cm weight: 12.57g 祺祥重宝是一枚古代钱币,铸于清穆宗初登基时(1861年)。时值载垣、肃顺八大臣奉诏辅政,即改元祺祥,并铸祺祥通宝与祺祥重宝当十钱。祺祥是同治皇帝第一个年号,当时提出时即有大臣因“祺”“祥”两字意思相近而持反对意见,后因慈禧太后发动辛酉政变而废止,仅存60天。所铸多为样币,流通币几乎全部收回损毁殆尽。 Qixiang heavy treasure is an ancient coin, which was cast when mu zongchu ascended the throne in the Qing Dynasty (1861). At that time, the eight ministers of Zaiyuan and SUSHUN were ordered to assist the government, that is, change the yuan to Qixiang, and cast Qixiang Tongbao and Qixiang chongbao as ten coins. Qixiang was the first year of emperor Tongzhi. When it was proposed at that time, some ministers objected because the words "Qi" and "Xiang" had similar meanings. Later, it was abolished due to the Xinyou coup launched by Empress Dowager Cixi. There were only 60 days left. Almost all the coins in circulation were recovered. 此宝源局祺祥重宝当十,面文庄重严整,钱面文字“祺祥重宝”以楷书书写,其文字从上而下而右而左直读。钱背穿孔左右为满文的“宝源”局名称,穿孔上下是汉文的记值"当十"二字。铜质细腻、色泽金黄,保存良好,做工较精整美观,“祺祥”年号仅仅存在了69天就被废除,因此在这期间所铸造的“祺祥通宝”又被称为中国寿命最短的钱币。因存世较少为收藏者重视。具有一定的收藏价值! This treasure source Bureau has Qixiang chongbao as the top ten. The face text is solemn and neat. The money face text "Qixiang chongbao" is written in regular script, and its text is read directly from top to bottom, right and left. Around the perforation of Qian Bei is the name of "Baoyuan" Bureau in Manchu, and the top and bottom of the perforation are the word "Dang Shi" in Chinese. The copper is fine, golden in color, well preserved, and the workmanship is relatively neat and beautiful. The "Qixiang" year was abolished after only 69 days. Therefore, the "Qixiang Tongbao" cast during this period is also known as the coin with the shortest life in China. Collectors pay less attention to it because of its existence. It has a certain collection value! 此艺术品由湖南博睿雅文化艺术品有限公司进行推荐,可议价交易,鉴于艺术品行业的特殊性,买家在提取物品时,必须当场清点验收,若对此艺术品存疑,客户可在购买7日内并且在物品进行交割离开公司前提供相关证明方可进行退换,物品一经提取离开公司后,本公司概不负责,不再支持退换,本公司仅提供此艺术品后期的再推荐服务。